Below are supplies that students should always have in their desks, cubbies, and backpacks. These supplies need to be checked and re-checked throughout the year to make sure they are sufficient.
Art supplies
Religion things
Specials supplies​
Extra supplies like: pencils, pens, highlighters
Take-home folder
Homework notebook
lunch box with a snack
Supplies are the responsibility of the students and parents. Please ensure you are helping teach responsibility and ask your students if they need new supplies. Periodically I may send out reminders to restock supplies, but please take initiative.
The more organized and prepared your child is, the better their notes and learning experience will be.
Homework notebook - this should be a small (about 8"x5") lined notebook students will put their homework in every day
Take-home folder - which needs to be brought home and checked every day
Graph paper notebook - for math class (5th & 6th grade need this)
3-subject notebook - for Grammar, reading, & vocabulary notes
2-subject notebook - for social studies & science
Pencil case - should have 5 sharpened pencils, pencil sharpener, red pen, black pen, highlighter